Orby Dare Orchard
Cedar Grove, NC
Orby Dare Orchard is an orchard and apiary, named for and inspired by the life of my great-grandmother, Orby Dare Craft Yates. Orby was a home orchardist and my great-grandfather a beekeeper in the North Carolina mountains.
Our orchard is young and contains a diversity of fruit and nut producing trees, shrubs, and vines that won’t buckle under the high insect pressure and humidity of the southeast. Some of the crops we are most enthusiastic about include maypops, pawpaws, jujubes, chestnuts, and American persimmons. Our 50+ hives are located on our farm and several others in northern Orange County.
We sell honey and fruit at the Carrboro Farmers’ Market on Saturdays (7am to noon). We post updates on when we will be at market and with what fruit in the market newsletter. Our honey is also available at the Farm and Garden north of Hillsborough. Contact us at orby dare orchard @ eml.cc (without spaces).